Museums & Theatres


Banat Museum (Muzeul Banatului)
Address: Piata Huniade 1
Tel: (256) 491.339
Open: Tue. - Sun. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm; Closed Mon.
Admission charge

Occupying a 14th century castle, this museum boasts sizeable historical and natural history sections.

Banat Museum, Ethnographic Section (Muzeul Banatului, Sectia de Etnografie)
Address: Str. Popa Sapca 4
Tel: (256) 491.339
Open: Tue. - Sun. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm; Closed Mon.
Admission charge

Exhibits of textiles, folk costumes, and glass-painted icons are on display.

Memorial Museum of the 1989 Revolution (Muzeul Revolutiei)
Address: Str. Emanuil Ungureanu 8 (behind Piata Unirii)
Tel: (256) 294.936
Open: Mon. - Sun. 9:00am - 5:00pm
Free admission 

The Memorial Museum exhibits uniforms of Romanian militia and military, written testimonies of witnesses and participants in the Revolution, official and personal documents, an audio-visual archive, a library and a collection of newspapers. A video charting the rise and fall of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu may be shown on request.

Timisoara Art Museum (Muzeul de Arta)
Address: Str. Mercy 2
Tel: (256) 491.339
Open: Tue. - Sun. 10:00am - 6:00pm; Closed Mon.
Admission charge

The collection includes works of 15th - 17th century Italian masters and prints by important European artists.

Banat Village Museum (Muzeul Satului Banatean)
Address: Aleea CFR 1
Tel: (256) 225.588
Open: Tue. - Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Sun. 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.; Closed Mon.
Admission charge

This open-air museum, located three miles from the city centre, exhibits more than 30 traditional peasant houses dating from the 19th century. Wood, stone and clay homes were taken piece by piece and set up in the beautiful surroundings of Padurea Verde (Green Forest). Craftsmen's fairs and folk shows are held here periodically.

Serbian Bishops' Collection (Muzeul Diocezei Ortodoxe Sarbesti)
Address: Piata Unirii 4
Tel: (256) 430.426
Open: Mon. - Sun. 7:30am - 3:30pm
Admission charge

The collection includes portraits and outstanding 18th century icons.

Performing Arts

Symphonic Music

Banat Philharmonic (Filarmonica de Stat Banatul)
Address: Blvd. C.D. Loga 2
Tel. (256) 495.012 


Opera & Ballet

Romanian Opera House (Opera Nationala Romana Timisoara)
Address: Str. Marasesti 2
Tel: (256) 201.286

The construction of the Romanian Opera House, began in 1871 and ended four years later, in 1875. The design was that of Viennese architects, Helmer and Fellner, the authors of numerous concert halls in Budapest , Vienna and Odessa . The murals in the concert hall are inspired by history and popular Romanian fairytales. Opera in Timisoara was appreciated as far back as the end of the 18th century. Joseph Strauss started out as Musical Director at Timisoara , where he composed and presented the world premiere of Faust's Life and Deeds. Franz Liszt also performed in Timisoara in 1846.


National Theatre (Teatrul National)
Address: Str. Marasesti
Tel: (256) 201.288

German State Theatre (Teatrul German de Stat)
Address: Str. Marasesti 2
Tel: (256) 201.291

Hungarian State Theatre (Teatrul Maghiar de Stat Csiky Gergely)
Address: Str. Alba Iulia 2
Tel: (256) 134.814

Puppet Theatre (Teatrul pentru copii si tineret Merlin)
Address: Blvd. Tineretii 3
Tel: (256) 193.049